PROJECT 6: Employer Profile and Job Description


Understanding what types of positions might be available within an organization will aid you in your job search. You will be able to narrow down your choices to those companies that offer you the best match for your talents and goals. You will also be better prepared to interview with those companies that you have researched. This project is intended to help you gain a better understanding of career paths and job descriptions typical of a specific company that you will research.


Read Chapters 17, 18 and 19 in the textbook.

Your finished project should fulfill ALL of the requirements below.

Select an organization for which you might like to work and carry out the research in the textbook in Chapter 19.

A.     In one to three paragraphs identify your selected organization, discuss why you chose it, and describe the research you conducted. In essence, develop a resume on the firm. Use the Employer Profile in Figure 19.1 as a guide, but keep it very short.

B.     From the organizational description you have located on the web, in company-printed literature, or in another source, list some position titles and job descriptions associated with that organization. Describe the format of a typical career path program in that company and in that job function. This portion of your project should be one to two pages.

C.    Using the Job Description Profile template (Chapter 19, Figure 19.2), create a job description for a job within the organization you have researched that you might find interesting. Do original work. DO NOT merely copy a job description from the web. This portion of your project should be a minimum of one page and no more than two pages.

D.    Along with the above requirements, include published information about the company you have chosen. This information may be included in your uploaded project. Or, you may just bring printed company literature and/or materials from the employer’s website with you to your lab session as part of your project.

E.     With this Company Resume and Job Description, you should be prepared to match your talents with the needs of the employer in a cover letter, job fair meeting, or in a full day of interviews at the employer’s facilities.

F.     You are preparing the information about the employer that will prove essential as you relate your self-assessment to the opportunity at hand.

G.    America’s Job Bank in Career Resources has several job descriptions to use as guidelines. You will find many other websites that will help (Try using Google search for these.). All big job boards, like Monster, Career Builder, Hot Jobs, etc., have only brief summaries. Look at SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) for examples. The government website, CareerOneStop, also has some excellent materials to help simplify your task.

Deliverables: For this project, you will turn in the following to your Career Counselor:

Ø      One-page Employer Resume using Figure 19.1 for a guide

Ø      Typical career path for a selected job

Ø      Job description using Figure 19.2 as a guide

Ø      Printed materials about the employer and job. Show a copy of your research on this employer and job description to your Career Counselor.